A better basket alternative is a JCV tow hitchTM for towing & pulling wagons, carts, groceries, children, pets and trailers effortlessly behind electric scooters and you can to.
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A better basket alternative is a JCV tow hitchTM for towing & pulling wagons, carts, groceries, children, pets and trailers effortlessly behind electric scooters and you can to. More
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"A better basket alternative is a JCV tow hitchTM for towing & pulling wagons, carts, groceries, children, pets and trailers effortlessly behind electric scooters and you can to." Feature
>You can pull groceries, luggage, wagons, carts and trailers with your scooter. Ten times more hauling, carrying capacity than a basket.
>>Gain additional freedom and happiness with a JCV tow hitch wagon, trailer and cart hitch for connecting them to your electric mobility scooter. Let the machinery do the work for you.
>>Now it's easy to tote 20 bags of groceries, or any other cargo you want to bring with you.
>>"Will your scooter accept a JCV tow hitch?" To be positive of that answer, copy that sentence exactly and search it in any search engine. It is very easy to become positive of: Yes or No. 5% of electric scooters can NOT accommodate a tow hitch nor pull a wagon.
>>Many people that ride mobility scooters also need to carry cargo or luggage of various sorts with them. When a scooter is helping you get out and about, you also want your scooter to help you go shopping when you're out shopping.
>>Or you want them to carry all the items that you don't want to carry yourself. Isn't it time your scooter does more to help you do more? Shouldn't your scooter make ALL of your life easier than just going from A to B?
>>The scooter alone does very little by itself to accomplish that cargo carrying need. However scooters can tow a shopping/grocery cart, wagon or trailer of almost any sort you choose. So you buy the JCV-tow-hitch and make your life much easier.
>>TRANSLATION: Then you can put any type of cargo, grocery's, purchases, gifts, accessory's, pets, children and grandchildren in them. Wherever you're going (even Disney Land), they are going with you as it should be. WITHOUT YOU HAVING TO TOTE IT! You shouldn't have to be responsible for carrying it all yourself. Now that can change.
>>Now enjoy your trip through the mall, bargain hunting adventures at flea markets, going out on picnics, parks, thru grocery stores, up and down the sidewalks sightseeing, as you go from A to B.